
Major turn off isn't enough to express my frustration rn


Memang selalunya macam tu la.
          Masalah org aku kena tolong selesaikan.
          Masalah sendiri aku kena selesai kan sendiri.
          Kalau meletop, aku minta maaf awal2. Sbb aku sendiri tak mampu nak handle kepala otak ni.


this message may be offensive
All the lecturers said dont study alone. Do study group, ask ur friends. Then ask lecturers.
          But they dont know, in this new generation, asking friends is totally BULLSHIT now.
          I wonder why they are so mean in silence when entering degree's life. 
          Appearance dah nampak alimnya but relationship with human u tak jaga hahaha rugi betul. Im not saying im perfect but at least i try being better more than you. Including about common sense!


My 'nak tengok' bukan maksudnya nak tiru ‍♀️
          I just want to baca and faham kan ur answer. Becoz i dont understand what to answer.
          Its my way to ask. 
          Not directly ask u to explain.
          I know everybody have own task. So taknak la kacau ur time. Dah usaha baca tapi tak paham juga baru la aku terpaksa approach kau. 
          Adoiii why tamak ek nak share ilmu. 
          Ohh gosh thats why aku banyak study sorg sejak sem 1 sbb semua memang tak nak membantu. Apa2 memang tanggung sorg. Korg ye lah... Dpt member yg jenis wilingly discuss together or have a very clever boyfriend to help u. Then if semua dah pandai tapi bila aku minta tolong, takleh nak tolong. Apa guna kawan dgn aku ek. Nampak la aku yg terhegeh2 nak dekat ngan korg. Fine. I am very understand now. 
          So stop talking about geng get away now!
          Im never in the geng pun.