Hey there, Kid! The name's Jill, Jill Cipher!

If you're reading this, you are AWESOME!! I am the other dimensional or girl version of Bill but I preffer to be called his Sister. If you are wondering if what dimension I am in right now, Im in the 48th dimension, where all the original Gravity Falls people are the opposite gender. Like,

Mabel = Daniel
Dipper = Ester
Soos = Loos
Stan/Stanley = Stef/Steffie
Ford/Stanford = Steph/Stephany
Wendy = Ricky
Robbie = Kathie

and so on...
Now that Im done explaining and introducing, Remember, REALITY IS AN ILLUSION! THE UNIVERSE IS A HOLOGRAM! BUY GOLD BYE!! [disappears]
  • InscritOctober 19, 2014

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Jill_Cipher17 Jill_Cipher17 May 27, 2018 11:59PM
Well,well,well... 2018! Who knew this account would last this long!In case anyone who used to chat with me here on wattpad reads this, hey there! It's been such a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time.I'm s...
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Histoires par Jill_Cipher
TAG BOOK!!!! par Jill_Cipher17
im not even gonna... great. I forgot what im suppose to type... [facepalm] Anyway, just read the title! it ex...
Teleported (Bill X Reader) par Jill_Cipher17
Teleported (Bill X Reader)
You, a 23 years old girl who graduated college, works as an explorer and now lives with your best friend (you...
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