
Hey, just in case you missed the message I left on Farcryfourths account, if you are reading Dear Diary, it has had something added. Please check it out when you get a chance! 
          	We appreciate you!! 


@ JillianDougherty  i wanted to post some emoji eyes, but it didn't work XD


@ JillianDougherty  


Hey, just in case you missed the message I left on Farcryfourths account, if you are reading Dear Diary, it has had something added. Please check it out when you get a chance! 
          We appreciate you!! 


@ JillianDougherty  i wanted to post some emoji eyes, but it didn't work XD


@ JillianDougherty  


Me over here wanting desperately to trade places with our characters in this current update that Joss wrote:) Just for a bit of it anyways. I’m just saying… 


Loved those scenes too. Dancing in a bar with the guys would be awesome! I’m done with my ovaries, so I’d gladly donate those and my uterus to live out some of those scenes. @JillianDougherty


@LindseyHall612 lol! This was supposed to be attached to my reply but of course fingers are stupid.


Hahah! Yes. That’s a definite yes. You are absolutely correct. And I thought about that for a moment as I wrote the message yesterday too! Sooo many! (And definitely a few I’d avoid like the plague) but at that exact moment my body was aching to the point I might have traded my house … with whoever was in it, just for a spa day. Lol!!!! But yeah, I agree completely! And not just those obvious thirsty scenes where we’d sell a  kidney and 1/4 of an ovary for (can’t give up too much ovary, gotta keep enough for the babies they’re gonna give us) but those little moments. Like, Joss wrote that scene of the girls roller skating in the house. I used to do that as a kid and that scene just hit my heart like… wow! I miss that! I wanna do that! Like right now. Or can you imagine owning a bar and working shifts with the guys? Dancing between the tables to the music? Having the guys decorate the living room in fairy lights and having a movie night? These are what dreams are made of! Lol!  And possibly that car scene I wrote with Jill and Joon … 


Added a little Hobi part to my BTS dreams and Imagines book. It’s not a lot but I’m also working several sections of Dear Diary at the moment along with a few art commissions between house projectS, fibromyalgia flare ups and just general mom and wife daily life. But progress is being made in all of the above so…YAAAYYYYYYY!!!! **(insert Min Yoongi happy dance here)***


;) thanks lovely! 


          *hand held near mouth for the best whisper ever… **
          …it’s coming… 
          -Jillian and Joss
          -I’m posting this from both my account and from @FarCryFouth so sorry if you see this twice. I wanted to make sure to reach those who have read Dear Diary and were still waiting for an update. I know not all our readers follow both accounts so this felt like the way to go:) 


@microcosmoslove @LindseyHall612 **insert Yoongi’s happy dance gif here**




Not a problem at all! Thank you for providing such a good meal. Lol!!! I’m really looking forward to updates on this, though as someone who also writes and creates(I drew my profile picture), and being a mom of two... I completely understand life slows down the creative process. Lol! Enjoy your holidays and create and update when you can:) I’ll be here!