
alrighty guys, I'm going go redoing most of my works. The only ones i will not be touching are Sound Off and The Final Cry. I'm starting with whole new chapters for a lot of them, and possibly deleting some older ones that I no longer keep up with. Or maybe I'll just add,them all to one work that's all of my unfinished ones together, not sure yet. But hopefully I'll get this done before the new year. I've started so many new stories, some are aus and some aren't. Thank you so much for sticking by me even though I'm the worst writer ever. I really love and appreciate that  also let me know which stories you like best and want an update on


I have no idea how on earth did you find me but YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for putting ENTWINED into your reading list♡ I hope you’ll have an amazing day cos you just made mine!! It’s my baby and I really appreciate your support cos I know how it feels like to have none ♡   P.s. the second book ENAMOURED is completed and available on Wattpad ♡


alrighty guys, I'm going go redoing most of my works. The only ones i will not be touching are Sound Off and The Final Cry. I'm starting with whole new chapters for a lot of them, and possibly deleting some older ones that I no longer keep up with. Or maybe I'll just add,them all to one work that's all of my unfinished ones together, not sure yet. But hopefully I'll get this done before the new year. I've started so many new stories, some are aus and some aren't. Thank you so much for sticking by me even though I'm the worst writer ever. I really love and appreciate that  also let me know which stories you like best and want an update on


I HAVEN'T BEEN ON IN SO LONG IM SO SORRY EVERYTHING HAS BEEN CRAZY. I'm a junior(ah) and I've been loaded with work ever since. I sincerely apologize about that. I'm thinking about rewriting all my works since they kind suck and are pretty stupid right now. I'll try to get to it as soon as possible, but right now my priorities are my grades and family. Now, that isn't the only reason I haven't been on...a few weeks ago I found out that my Aunt has two types of cancer. I thought it was impossible too, but it turns out it isn't. it's just really rare. My great grandma also just returned from being hospitalized and he's doing great so far. So thank you again, I love you guys. x


So, I just finished two books. Along For The Ride, and You Belong With Me(sequel to AFTR). I have got to say, these two books are absolutely amazing. I cried, I sang along, I laughed, I bit my lip multiple times in anticipation. I mean, hell, I made my lip bleed one time. What I'm trying to say it, READ THEM. THEY ARE SO GOOD. Okay, I love you, I'll update Sunday when I get back from Warped Tour, and then I'll tell you all about my trip. Oh! I got a new job, so that's fun.  Anyway, I love you all. See you soon :)