CALL FOR ACTION - Early Reader Feedback (ERF) needed for Weavers draft.
I will be ready to distribute the 1st draft of Weavers (Ages of the Seed, Vol 1) for early reader feedback by Friday 11/27.
The purpose of early reader feedback is to give basic impressions on story, plotlines, characters and environments before I begin the extensive second draft of the work.
The ideal early readers for Weavers are:
* Fantasy fiction / adventure fans. Weavers is suitable to a YA audience.
* NOT already participating in the Ninja at Law ERF. I'm looking for fresh looks into the world and NAL early readers already know a bunch of stuff.
* Able to read a 16k novelette beginning 11/27 and provide topical feedback by 12/11.
* Be accepting of praise and thanks and my mention of same in the foreword when the book goes to print.
If you would like to participate please give me a holler. Just send me a PM and let me know where to send the draft pdf.
Thanks, y'all!