Hey! Have you still been writing/working on Canticle? Noticed you haven't been active for a while. Hope everything's okay on your end.
@Jimbobi Oh wow! That would have been a pretty stressful/big move. Let alone reverse culture shock after being in the east so long. I remember getting that after 40-45 days, let alone years. It would be much more interesting for you! I've been pretty good. Run off my feet with working and life as well, so writing went on a bit of a hiatus. Not so much because there wasn't time (I'm an addict - when my writing switch is on, I will write until I drop, no matter the time, and find it) but rather, I was just so exhausted. And blocked. I started getting a bit tangled up and of course, and while I knew how to ease it back to the main plot...I was throwing a tantrum about doing it. So procrastination and self-guilt-tripping ensued. Now it's going better, though! Working on 14 now, though highly distractible.
@Awolfcalledskya I've just moved back to my home country after quite a few years in the East. Hopefully I'll be able to get round to some writing now. How have you been? How's the writing going?