
I know I haven’t posted in a long time but I was dealing with work and school but I will be posting sometime this month or next month. I will be changing the last chapter ending just a little bit. I will write soon.


I know I haven’t posted in a long time but I was dealing with work and school but I will be posting sometime this month or next month. I will be changing the last chapter ending just a little bit. I will write soon.


Γειααα σου. Μόλις ξεκίνησα να γράφω την πρώτη μου ιστορία σχετικά με τον Yoongi από τους BTS και θα το εκτιμούσα πολύ αν την διάβαζες και μου έλεγες την άποψη σου.  Ευχαριστώ πολύ εκ των προτέρων! ❤️


Sorry I haven’t been posting lately I have been dealing with work, studies, and taekwondo, but I will try to post the next chapter this weekend, and one more thing please go read my friend’s short story, Emperor For A Night. 


          I'm sorry to disturb you but I really want to inform you about my book. It's a Jimin fanfiction named "Rude". 
          It would be my pleasure if you can spare some time and check it out. I hope you like it. Please do share your views on it. The link to my book is down below. 
          Thank you so much


Of course i will, thank you !