Hell is loose in this world I swear… people seem to wait to fight with each other all year long, and when there is a chance, they fight like dogs under drugs for real .
War is not the solution, everyone wants peace, but with hate speech and pointing your fingers at others saying „they are at fault bla bla bla mimimimi“ is not the way to solve any issue in the fcked up world .
I swear adults are much worse than kindergarten kids for f*cks sake.
What I just want to say is,
Terrorism has NO RELIGION .
All the western medias are sick in the head, how can there be any relation between a religion and cruelty? Someone who believes in God, would never hurt a fly.
It is so obvious that the owners if the social media plattforms are all zionists.
The christians terrorized the whole world for many many centuries (and they still do it in the name of „democracy blabla“ because they need oil) and no one talks about it.
But as soon as it is not a christian or a jew, they look at what kind of religion the person has.
Im a muslim and I dont hate jews or christians, but I receive hate from them everyday. Yes, every single day. What did I do? Nothing. Dumbness has no medicine, sadly.
When americans bomb iraq, we didnt say „the christian terrorists attacked and massacred Iraq“
When the british colonized India, we didnt say „the christian terrorists invaded and terrorized India“
You dont hear us muslims saying that, because we arent shameless and dumb like the westerners who control the media!
We know that a few peoples mistakes have nothing to do with any religion.