
so I haven't been around long, and I want to give out a message to all my lovely followers and readers.
          	I'm so sorry for disappearing. you see, things at home are really tough rn, and all I do all day long is cry cry cry. wattpad is the last thing on my mind, even though it was a deviation from all this depression.
          	I may not be around for sometime longer, perhaps until March. I promise I'll update spiral whenever my brain allows me, because I'm in no mood or situation to write.
          	I'm so sorry to let you all down. please support me, it will be very kind of you. 


@ JinMinised  awww it's okay we wont blame you for it:) i hope it will get better soon! talk to trusted ones if you need help:) stay strong!


@JinMinised i hope everything will be fine there authornim. be strong. you have us to talk to if u need the company. :)


@JinMinised Aww :( I hope things get better *hugs*


I hope you're recovering hun. Ily xoxoxoox


hi!!! you're story is sososo cute i was basically smiling the entire time!! i hope you're okay!!! things will get better soon :-) remember to smile and don't let anything get in your way of being happy :-) we won't pressure you to update, do it when you can!!! i'll be waiting patiently till i see the "new" button on your story:-) have a great 2016!!! 


so I haven't been around long, and I want to give out a message to all my lovely followers and readers.
          I'm so sorry for disappearing. you see, things at home are really tough rn, and all I do all day long is cry cry cry. wattpad is the last thing on my mind, even though it was a deviation from all this depression.
          I may not be around for sometime longer, perhaps until March. I promise I'll update spiral whenever my brain allows me, because I'm in no mood or situation to write.
          I'm so sorry to let you all down. please support me, it will be very kind of you. 


@ JinMinised  awww it's okay we wont blame you for it:) i hope it will get better soon! talk to trusted ones if you need help:) stay strong!


@JinMinised i hope everything will be fine there authornim. be strong. you have us to talk to if u need the company. :)


@JinMinised Aww :( I hope things get better *hugs*