
NEW STORY announcement:
          	Cursed Lotus
          	Transmigration/gender switch/ present China TO ancient China
          	INTRODUCTIONS up! List of characters.
          	Chapter one-two  OUT NOW.


I am really busy right now. I am Producing and Directing a short horror ^^^ film in 2 weeks. I also wrote the script. This is a new experience for me and I hope you can be excited for me!!  I will share a link after it is completed, so everyone can watch it. Love to those that need some.  I will be back to be writing soon! <3 Jenifer Vine/Jinna


SOOO I have taken on a new project!!! CREATE my OWN horror short film!!!! I have a location, actors, working on the script, and I am nervous as heck!!!!! BUT I will do my best. Look for a link here around the end of OCT to watch it!!!