Went and saw Namjoon's documentary tonight and I cannot put into words how beautiful and touching it was.
It was just so Namjoon.
If you get the chance, I recommend watching it, left me with many of my own thoughts
@Tesla36 the difference is so unfair, the cinema when I went was pretty empty, which surprised me cause it was the night of release. I guess we can't control the way other fans behave and have to try our best to show the love that Namjoon and others deserve
@Jinisprettierthanyou I hate few army tbh
They cancel the show here cause of lack of no. Of audience
Author i wasn't getting any tickets for golden and D-Day cause of housefull
Why do they do this to my joonie
@VivieeTea nothing specific, just terrible things happening in the world and reading about them makes me angry. A 19 year old was murdered in my state and they were a participant in the programs I run :(