Hello! It's been quite a while since I've been here. However, I'm here today to inform everybody of what's been going on. As of late, I've been very busy, and my laptop broke down. I have a new laptop, and though I may still be busy, I want to start producing again. New stories, and the resuming of old ones. Unfortunately, my older stories, such as Bounty, may not be continued for quite a while. I've got them planned out, but putting them into words is harder than it seems. It's definitely fun to write them once you get into your zone, but for a while now, I haven't been able to get there. I think that changes now, though. It's been almost a year now since I stopped producing, and I think I'm ready to start back. Expect re-writes and perhaps even new stories from now on! Thanks for reading this far, and good luck.