
nevermind, my phone broke I'm so sorry everyone :((


Good morning/evening/afternoon to all of you!! ^^ as you can see from my last post, I've been on hiatus due to an accident and had to temporarily leave for a while to recover. Though recently, I have been slowly getting my senses back and will be able to update my books again. In result, 'The Love of Five' and 'Difference' will be coming back with new chapters in a few along with another book! Don't worry, I am feeling safe and had my cousin write this down and said that she'll even help me with the story chapters if I struggle to do so. She has to attend her classes still, so it would take a bit to update. I'm very excited to be back again and I hope you all are having a good day!♡♡


Good day to everyone! I apologize for my absence since I went through some problems.. Recently, I lost my ability to walk due to a car accident and had to rest for a while. I can only use my phone from time to time so it takes a bit to make the chapters. Though, I promise I'll stay strong for everyone! Until then, I'll see you all once I recover! ^-^


@Jinwhaa You deserve all the love you get. Recover well, fast, and comfortable! Mwah! We all love you. Stay strong!!


@Jinwhaa Hey.... um no need to worry about the chapters if you feel tired or even if you feel better. You should focus on your health for a while and focus on your recovery. You should take your time in your life is more important than the chapters you'll post because if your gone.... who will make them... So I hope you stay strong for your family and friends, enjoy your life and when you feel much better and recovered from your problems. We will gladly open our arms to read and support you. 
            Well thats all from me hope have a great day and stay strong till the end! :)


Is it weird that I count the amount of times I've been in the hospital? I'm a massive accident prone so my chances of getting sent into a hospital is rather high.
          (I've been sent to hospitals about 27 times)
          — 08/03/23