
Just a quick alert to everyone on my friend's list: I am possibly going to become inactive for some time, as I'm working on a biography story for a character of mine whom will possibly star in a close friend of mine's story. I also have many changes occurring soon, so things that are still works in progress will likely discontinued for awhile. Sorry, everyone, but life calls.


Just a quick alert to everyone on my friend's list: I am possibly going to become inactive for some time, as I'm working on a biography story for a character of mine whom will possibly star in a close friend of mine's story. I also have many changes occurring soon, so things that are still works in progress will likely discontinued for awhile. Sorry, everyone, but life calls.


To all of you wonderful, awesome people that are reading .:*Venemous Love*:. I am going to create a seperate chapter that has nothing to do with the storyline. It is actually going to be a biography of Mkia, and I recommend you read it once it's out. It'll help shed light on Mkia, Cobra, Gray, and a lot of other things. It will also help you understand the story a bit better and give you better insight. I'll have it up by this afternoon or night, so please be patient and please read. :) ENjoy~!!!