So, for those wandering I have taken down His deal her heart and the power of our love. I will not have them up as they are. Why? The stories had issues and some one who used to be my friend on here had issues with them. I didn't know about it at the time because they didn't tell me about it during that time. I only recently found out about the issues and with good conscience I couldn't keep them up. I do wish said person had told me so I could have fixed back then, but what's done is done.
I know at this point it probably doesn't matter, but I hope my actions that I am sorry I hurt them with my mistakes.
Also while I did take down the originals, I will be rewriting them. From the beginning. I will be changing quite a few thing hoping never make the same mistakes again.
His deal her heart will now be called Home Sweet Home. Faith will for the most part be the same. Except I may redesign her a bit. This story will also have a different ending. Since Home Sweet Home with have a different ending the power of our love will no longer be it's sequel.
Instead it also will get a rewrite as it's own story. It will be called I Love You Dearly. It will have it's own original character.
I'm Sorry to those who liked the originals, but taking them down was for the best. Beside this will give me a chance to fix some other things as well. Like grammar, spelling mistakes, and missing words. It will also give me a chance to iron out the plot line. Looking back at it, there were some plot points that don't work with it.
Anyways Sorry I had to take them down. I made a mistakes and I will make sure they don't happen again.
I hope you enjoy the rewrites.