
New Pokemon Chapter up! Chapter 106, and the Champion is up next!


Hey thank you for the amazing book that is pokemon heros. just curiosity but you do still update it right bc i just got caught up to flint and would really like it continued


Yes! I hit a bit of a creative wall where I had to put my attention towards punishing my fantasy novel and put Pokemon Heroes on hold for a bit. 
            With Dragonkin published, I am returning to Pokemon Heroes. I’m writing the next two chapters as we speak (I usually upload two at a time, especially for longer chapters) so expect two more chapters in the next few weeks! I’m also going back and editing/touching up a few older chapters at the same time.
            Thank you so much for your kind words and I’m really glad you enjoyed the book :)


Do I disappear often? Yeah. But do I come back just as often? Also yeah!
          I'm back, I'm writing, and I'm working on the Fanfiction again!
          I'm currently editing the series as I go, while also writing new chapters. We're almost to the end of the first book and yes I DO plan to continue after!
          Where have I been? Well I finally published my novel that I used to have on here. It was known as Dragon Warriors, or The Chronicles of Enayra. The first book in the series: Dragonkin, is now available in eBook, Paperback and Hardcover format through Amazon in several countries.
          This linktree will take you to whatever country's storefront you're from!
          My book is available through Kindle Unlimited in eBook format for anyone who has that!
          If you do choose to get my novel, I really appreciate it! The biggest compliment you can give is a review once you've read it!
          If not, and you're just here for the fanfiction, I completely understand! Worry not! More is coming!


Hey all!  Good news, bad news!
          I'm looking to get my works publish, specifically the Warriors/Dragonkin novels.  Which is great!  It's what we all aspire to :)
          Unfortunately, what that means is as I go to publish, I will be pulling the novels, including the old versions, off my account, and unpublishing them from online.
          I truly apologize that this has to happen, and I'm really, really sorry about this.  It means the only story on my Wattpad will be my Pokemon Fanfiction--which I will return to once NaNoWriMo is over and the Warriors Rewrite ends.
          If that's not what you want to read, and you wish to depart, I understand, and wish you the best :) if you're interested in reading the Pokemon Fanfiction, welcome, and I hope you enjoy it!
          I do truly hope you'll continue to support me as I get to publishing, and will buy the book once it comes out maybe? If you enjoyed it? :p but if not, I understand.
          I thank you all for your feedback and response over the years on the Warriors series.  Wish me luck as I press forward! :)
          Follow me on Twitter for updates in the future:  https://twitter.com/justsam5512


I was a fool for thinking I was done revising Dragon Warriors.  I’ll be adding revision names to titles so , and uploading the new revisions as well.  I’ll leave the old versions up, as progress of how far I’ve come from now on :) a measure of my growth!


Well then you’re in luck :p it’s posted!


Yes!!! I’m so excited to read the new versions


New Pokemon chapters were posted!  I'm sorry they took so long.  I got a little busy, but I also wanted to take my time and make sure my own lore and the existing lore of the Pokemon world meshed.  And, considering the semi-metaphysical content I discussed, I wanted to be 100% certain and confident in my word choices, and the ability to convey the messages I was putting to paper.  I hope to be back on a schedule of 2 chapters per week starting next week!