Thats SOOOO sad i went FROM 333 to 325 whyyy MABEY because I'm not online that often lately anyways lovvvvee alll of youuuu have a nice das Stay weird and Happy and live Like you wan't to live Not the OTHER People wan't you to live Smile and bee Happy ^^
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"Hiermit bist du herzlich zur vollkommen unerwarteten - aber dennoch Magischen Hochzeit am 08,03,2025/Um 18 Uhr von @-Prince_Hyunjin- und @InterludeYoongi7 eingeladen"
Vielen Dank fürs Kommen ❤️
Thats SOOOO sad i went FROM 333 to 325 whyyy MABEY because I'm not online that often lately anyways lovvvvee alll of youuuu have a nice das Stay weird and Happy and live Like you wan't to live Not the OTHER People wan't you to live Smile and bee Happy ^^