Jonghyun-ah, you did well
I like SHINee's song very much when I was small and now I still like it...
Although I'm not a real Shawols but I still can't accept about your death... I'm sad and shocked at the same time...
You make every Shawols and fans happy bcauz you sang beautiful song and composed beautiful music for everyone in this world...
Thank you for making every Shawols and fans happy just by your lovely smile...
You brought love to all the fandoms, stop fanwars and even donated your organs....
You are so kind hearted..
Heaven receive another talented angel
We know you tried your best to fight your problems.
Wherever you are please be happy and find your happiness in a better place...
You're safe and no one can hurt you... You won't feel the pain anymore...
You have voice of an angel, as you are one now, fly high and spread your wings
You won't be forgotten, you did so well, this is more than enough. You don't have to suffer anymore. You worked so hard for all of us.
Maybe you may gone in this world but you will remain in every Shawols and fan's heart.
Shawols will always be there for you and for SHINee....
I send my deepest condolences to your family, your group member, your colleagues and your fans (Shawols)
Please rest well and sleep well my little prince