
I love all my friends actually there not my friends there my family we have had arguments and we have had laughs sad times happy times crazy times (like when we go to rob banks on Sundays) but we never really let that tear us apart we will all help each other out in a time of need I miss them I just hope when I come back to school on may 11 that we go back to normal and I hope there still gonna be my family I hope y'all haven't forgotten about your black guy 


I love all my friends actually there not my friends there my family we have had arguments and we have had laughs sad times happy times crazy times (like when we go to rob banks on Sundays) but we never really let that tear us apart we will all help each other out in a time of need I miss them I just hope when I come back to school on may 11 that we go back to normal and I hope there still gonna be my family I hope y'all haven't forgotten about your black guy