this message may be offensive
Hi! It's been a while. I'm really, really sorry for disappearing like I did. It's...A little difficult to explain, and it's okay if you'll find it hard to understand. Wmmap has been a HUGE part of my life, both in the positive and the negative way, I had become obsessive in the worst ways, I had arrived to a point where it was everything, almost more important than my personal life. It was, obviously, a defense mechanism to shit in life, and wmmap had become my little safe heaven. Unfortunately, I unconsciously connected this Fandom with a bad period of my life, and I reached a point where I had to cut ties with everything that reminded me of it, that meant wmmap. Basically, my brain started to refuse entering in contact with anything that had something to do with the Fandom, and that implied wattpad in general too. I did want to message you, but I couldn't bring myself to open the app, and then time started to pass, to the point where it became too late and I felt too guilty to reach out. Tonight I said "fuck it" and decided to download the app again. It's not been fair to you and I felt like I owed you an explanation at least. I'd love to come back and finish reading your stories, but I still can't bring myself to, and I have no idea when or if I'll ever be able to. I really hope you continued writing, because I know for certain that you have talent and the story of yours I read will always be in my heart. Thanks for having being a part of my past❤️