
Happy New Year everyone! Hope everyone has an amazing new year and new decade! Welcome to 2020!




To anyone who wants to PM me, my PMs aren’t working and I don’t know why, but if you want to message me then you can DM me on my Instagram: @im_fine2468 


Do you have Snapchat or Insta? @ClaraShadowhunter 


Report it to wattpad @Jo2468


To anyone who has PM me they aren’t working and I don’t know why but it is telling me that the convo is out of order so it won’t let me reply, so if you are trying to message me that is the reason why it isn’t working but if you want to continue talking to me you can dm me on my Instagram:@im_fine2468


or you can ask me for my snapchat and I will post it on here for 30 minutes or before if you add me and then I will delete my comment. If you did mute me I'm sorry for you feeling like you had to do that but I hope it is Wattpad just messing up and that if you somehow see this you will message me through Instagram or ask for my snapchat


Why am I here? What is the point? I’m just useless, worthless, fat and a waste of space and time. No one would miss me if I was gone. I’m sick of everything, if no one cares about me then why am I even here ‘cause no one would care or miss me if I just disappeared and never came back


@Jo2468 you have a purpose you just haven’t found it yet and ur not useless or worthless or fat. I bet people would miss you if something happened to u. And don’t disappear because people care you just don’t know it