I cannot handle the amount of 13 year old girls who think calling a sexual partner daddy is hot and attractive. No it's not, it's creepy and I guarantee you that not many guys like it these days. I'm sick of reading it everywhere, at least label it or something. And please, when you're writing virgin stories, it's not perfect, it never is. I'm a shitty writer but I know for a fact that sex first time is never perfect, it's messy and awkward. In fact, having sex with anyone for the first time - no matter how experienced you or your partner may be - is messy and awkward. It would be more entertaining and captivating if the sex was realistic, and if you haven't had your first time then don't write about first times. It's just not realistic.

Btw I'm 18 and have about 5 years of sexual experience, (ye I'm a bit of a slut but at least I know what I'm talking about).