@Spoobybaby hey. I understand how you're feeling this way. Honestly I wanna appreciate you first. I know how hard it is to stay consistent. How much will power it takes. And you've done that. Sometimes we just can't help the way things work. Especially people. I know it's easy to say, but why don't you try to let the people go.. The right audience will find. I cam understand if that's what you're already trying. And it is human to need validation and some reassurance. But hey at the end you write for you. No matter what. Deep done it's for you. And that's enough. You're enough. And I assure you the right people will come along. Remember, as within, as without. Your outer reality is made up of your beliefs. Do you have any limiting beliefs that your work won't be reached as far you'd like it to be?(it's understandable when that's what the external reality is affirming back, but you need to keep faith). Work on the inside. Just those beliefs imo. Because you seem to pretty good with the rest(writing, consistency!)
You can change limiting beliefs by affirmations, visualization your desire, and ignoring when your mind says all those bad stuff. These all just my opinions. I hope things get happier for you :)