
I can't believe it's been over three years since I last posted anything on Wattpad! I've spent those three years doing my Graphic Design degree, and now that I'm free from uni, I want to so get back into writing again! :D 
          	So, I came up with this idea to do a 365 day writing challenge. I'm (hopefully) going to be writing one story everyday for a whole year on a new blog I've set up! Some days the stories might be long, sometimes they might only be a few sentences, I just want to write again! 
          	Currently this is all happening on my blog, but I might end up posting them on Wattpad too depending on how it goes! 
          	If you're interested, check out the 6 days at (
          	Do any of you have writing blogs? :D
          	Fellow writing comrade,


I can't believe it's been over three years since I last posted anything on Wattpad! I've spent those three years doing my Graphic Design degree, and now that I'm free from uni, I want to so get back into writing again! :D 
          So, I came up with this idea to do a 365 day writing challenge. I'm (hopefully) going to be writing one story everyday for a whole year on a new blog I've set up! Some days the stories might be long, sometimes they might only be a few sentences, I just want to write again! 
          Currently this is all happening on my blog, but I might end up posting them on Wattpad too depending on how it goes! 
          If you're interested, check out the 6 days at (
          Do any of you have writing blogs? :D
          Fellow writing comrade,


I have some amazing news, I'm absolutely buzzing!!! 
          I decided to take a leap of faith and trust what the people of Wattpad have said and self publish onto Kindle :) It's currently being reviewed by Amazon, and then will be up and available to buy (with a lot less spelling mistakes!) for only £2.99 within 12 hours :') 
          Thank you to everyone who has commented, voted, and just generally been amazingly supportive! I love you all!! :L


Deception and confliction are AMAZING!!! You should definetly put it in watty awards. But your an amazing writer. Your stories are unique, different, i was getting tired of wattpad because all the stories on here are all the same. Then i found your stories and was just relieved that there was still writers who know how to write a good story wothout copying someone else. 


Just entered Hello World into the Watty Awards!!! Your support means more than everything now!


Erm, I just kept going onto the homepage until a little box in the corner said 'submit for watt awards' type thing :L


how do you enter?


Hey. I just read that you want to start writing again, but don't have that good ideas. I haven't read any of your stories (I'm about to read Hello World) so I don't know what exactly you usually write about, but I just looked through your Flickr page (you have some amazing photos where) and I love the photo with the girl (is that you?) on the swing.
          So here is my idea. Look at that photo. Just look. You could make so much with the stories it is telling.
          1. You could do one of those ghost stories. You know someone dies only one or a few other people can see her. (Okay that would be kind of cliche. But think about it)
          2. Some fantasy thing. Girl living in a made up world. You live there as long as somebody remembers you. Girl has been alive for sometime. She lives alone and people are slowly forgetting her. She sees herself fading away. One day she simply walks through her door. That could be some kind of wakeup call. She doesn't want to simply fade away. So she begins making a name for herself. (Wow if I wasn't so lazy I would write that myself.)
          3. You can take the picture as a metapher. You know fading away. Girl (In real world) feels like she is losing contact with the world. People don't pay her attention. She feels invisible.
          So I hope that helps you. And if not... I tried. Good Luck and a bucket of crazy imagination for your next stories.