I can't believe it's been over three years since I last posted anything on Wattpad! I've spent those three years doing my Graphic Design degree, and now that I'm free from uni, I want to so get back into writing again! :D
So, I came up with this idea to do a 365 day writing challenge. I'm (hopefully) going to be writing one story everyday for a whole year on a new blog I've set up! Some days the stories might be long, sometimes they might only be a few sentences, I just want to write again!
Currently this is all happening on my blog, but I might end up posting them on Wattpad too depending on how it goes!
If you're interested, check out the 6 days at (https://365daysofstoriesblog.wordpress.com/)
Do any of you have writing blogs? :D
Fellow writing comrade,