I don't know what I'm feeling right now,, since the day I became a waanjai,,I prepared my self for the day that Mew and Gulf will have to separate ways because it's the reality,,and I always remind myself that they're not a real couple,,,but now that it's really happening,,I realized that it's kinda painful,, they are the first screen couple that I learned how to love,, they're the reason why I started to see love on a bigger picture,,when tharntype the series ended and they both said that they wanted to achieve all their goals individually,,I started to accept the reality just like everyone else,,,I know Mew for a fact that he's been hinting us that we needed to accept that mewgulf is long gone,,and he had enough of our illusion,,I understand that he needed to protect the person he loves,,,but I really hope he doesn't called us (waanjai) uneducated,,,I really wish he didn't give us a number to call to check our mental health,,and this is what hurts me the most,,,I admire him but using degrading words like those are too much,,,we only idolize him,we only admire him,we only support him but this is what we get,,,if I'm hurting this much,how about gulf??,,who always thankful to us(waanjai) for still there for them,,for always saying he loves us,, what would gulf feel if we (waanjai) we're being called uneducated and mental for being a fan??,, and now,,for some reason (I'm not sure),, should I finished my book(free with you) or should I delete it??,Im so lost right now....