
Sad to read your recent posting, I hope it doesn't put you off this site as you just posted. I really need to read your recent story more as it set up a great story in just the first chapter. Best wishes and thanks for posting for the community.


@designsforthetimes  It didn't put me off on Wattpad, it just made me more careful if some random guy starts chatting me up here. I still have to post the ending for Tall Girl. Maybe on Friday.


Thanks for the new story, very enjoyable. I find following writers is a great way to hear about updates. I hope you get more reads. I am trying to use the other sits you mention, but find them less easy than Wattpad. Thanks for letting me know about them. Best wishes.


Will you post any other stories? Your first one deserves far more posts and feedback comments.


This site needs a feed for new stories, but it doesn’t have one.  You post a good story here and no one will find it, since it’s hard to dig up new stories on this site, and what I believe is it’s major failing.


I didn’t see the point of posting more stories here that people don’t read, but I have posted other stories on Fiction-Mania, and on Big Closet, since there are far more readers there that are reading my stories