
Alright! Last message today! I have a question, if anyone minds giving a bit of advice.
          	When “New Life” does eventually get finished, should I just publish it all at once? Like, put each chapter out on the same day?  I know that a lot of people are more inclined to read a finished work than an unfinished one!
          	Or would it be more exciting to publish a new chapter, like, once a day, or just twice a week, or even only once a week? I’ve seen people do this, and it encourages more interaction with the fic and with the people reading the fic (in my reading experience, at least.) 
          	Like, people are more inclined to write theories in the comments or ask questions, or even make fanart when there are only a couple chapters to go off of. Idk, i just feel like arriving to a fic while the chapters are still being published is very engaging! It’s like you’re part of the process and along for the ride, instead of reading something all the way through at once since it’s already been finished. 
          	When I put it like that, I feel more tempted to do the second option, but what do you guys think, as the readers? Did that even make any sense at all?
          	Okay, I believe that is it!
          	I would love to see you all when I end up publishing this fic on here!
          	Until next time, my lovely little ducklings :)
          	Take care! 


Alright! Last message today! I have a question, if anyone minds giving a bit of advice.
          When “New Life” does eventually get finished, should I just publish it all at once? Like, put each chapter out on the same day?  I know that a lot of people are more inclined to read a finished work than an unfinished one!
          Or would it be more exciting to publish a new chapter, like, once a day, or just twice a week, or even only once a week? I’ve seen people do this, and it encourages more interaction with the fic and with the people reading the fic (in my reading experience, at least.) 
          Like, people are more inclined to write theories in the comments or ask questions, or even make fanart when there are only a couple chapters to go off of. Idk, i just feel like arriving to a fic while the chapters are still being published is very engaging! It’s like you’re part of the process and along for the ride, instead of reading something all the way through at once since it’s already been finished. 
          When I put it like that, I feel more tempted to do the second option, but what do you guys think, as the readers? Did that even make any sense at all?
          Okay, I believe that is it!
          I would love to see you all when I end up publishing this fic on here!
          Until next time, my lovely little ducklings :)
          Take care! 


Alright! So, the first book that I’ll be rewriting is my “New Life” book! 
          I am going to finish writing the whole book before I publish a chapter. So, don’t expect any content just yet :)
          This book in definitely going to be super long. Like, i have already rewrote chapter 1 and managed to turn it into 2 whole chapters (I might combine them when I actually begin publishing; who knows). 
          Anyways, my writing style has definitely improved tremendously! Im really happy with how the first two chapters have turned out so far, and I’m excited to one day share my work with you all! 
          Oh! I am also going to publish this fic on Archive of Our Own (Ao3) when it’s is finished, too! So, if you prefer to read on Ao3, it’ll be there when this is eventually finished 
          [I’ll put my Ao3 name in my bio (?) thingy when I’m ready to publish my fic]
          I go more into depth about all this in my latest chapter thing on my “New Life” book, if you’re interested in knowing more! (Idk why I thought to write all of that there instead of here, but whatever lol) 


Ahhh! I’m so glad I figured out how to fix the issues I’ve had on Wattpad! Now I can finally interact with things again! 
          (So sorry but expect another message or two bc I’ve got stuff to announce about my books  I haven’t done this in so long! Are multiple messages back to back annoying and considered spam? Idk, but this is most likely a once in a blue moon occurrence— me posting on my message board )


What?? I can’t use emojis for these messages? Well that’s just a shame >:( 
            Emojis are my tone indicators, come onnn Wattpad :(


I want you to know your an amazing friend til death and forever.
          If I don’t get this back, I understand.
          But I have a game for you.
          Once you read this letter you have to send it to 15 people including me
          If you get at least 3 back, you are loved!
          Nobody knows how important something is until they lose it
          Tonight, right at 12pm the person who you love will realise they love you 
          Then at 1pm - 2pm get ready for the shock of your life!
          If you break this chain, you will have bad luck
          With love, send this to 15, if you don’t, 
          you will turn ugly for a year!
          A friend told me to do this so pass it on
          Tomorrow 2 people will ask me for you phone number (??)
          Send this message to 15 nice people or bad luck stars for a whole year
          This is not fair
          Apparently, when you copy and paste this, you will have the best day of your life