
New story if you’re a fan of Riverdale and ship Bughead I suggest you go check it out if you could please.


          Maybe others lives would be better without me 
          Maybe I was a mistake that shouldn’t have happened 
          Maybe I should’ve been aborted 
          My life is useless I’m useless 
          I’m worthless nobody wants me nobody cares 
          Maybe I should have listened to what all the bullies told me to do it would make everyone’s life easier if I wasn’t around anymore I'm never going to get noticed by my favorite YouTubers or my favorite band so what's the point of trying anymore 


I'm sat on the floor crying for no reason then I realize I have way to much on my mind and questions I don't going through my head are going through my head and I'm going Wind up curled up in all ball in the corner if it doesn't stop...I need help