@JodieDaKitten Yes! I was just speaking with a friend about something similar. I wanted to put a domestic scene in the book but the readers are so pro male lead character even though I think he's insufferable at times, whatever. I didn't want to go that route because I KNEW that there would be comments from the readers saying, "oh well if she didn't say that then he wouldn't have done x,y, and z to her." or "If I was him, I would've done that too." And I told my friend I didn't want to go that route strictly because I knew I would see some of those comments and it would absolutely disgust me. But then I realized that I should never let the readers dissuade me from doing what I want and as long as it makes me happy then then there shouldn't be an issue. I always told myself that the day I stress about my viewership is the day I'm getting paid to write lol. There will always be more people out there that support you than are against you and hopefully if they don't like it then they can just move around!