
          1. accommodate acc-omm-o-date
          accommodate- To do something helpful for someone.
          2. accustomed ac-cus-tomed 
          accustomed- Familiar with something.
          3. acquisitioned ac-qui-si-tioned
          acquisitioned- The act of acquiring.
          4. adolescent  ad-ol-es-cent
          adolescent- A young person that is becoming an adult.
          5. amature am-a-ture
          amature- A person who does something poorly.
          6. annoyance ann-oy-ance
          annoyance- Slight anger.
          7. antidote an-ti-dote 
          antidote- A substance that stops the effects of poison. 
          8. apology ap-ol-ogy
          apology- A statement saying that you are sorry.
          9. applicant app-li-cant
          applicant- Someone who formally asks for something.
          10. architect arch-i-tect
          architect- Someone who designs buildings. 
          11. asteric as-ter-ic
          asteric- A cut gemstone
          12. bachelor bach-e-lor
          bachelor- A man who is not married.
          13. belligerent bell-i-ger-ent
          belligerent- Angry and aggressive. 
          14. biannual bi-ann-ual
          biannual- Happening twice a year.
          15. brilliance bri-lli-ance
          brilliance- The state of being brilliant.