Heyya guys!!
Your Boi is Back.
where have I been? - I have been finishing my problems lately and now I'm Back and I hope I could continue to be active :D
What Happend - So after I posted about the people that tried to doxxed me because I'm Not doing what they said. they tried to attack me even more and even tried to figure out where I live, so after a lot of back and forth between this people I managed to win somehow (Most of them got banned and the others just give up.)
My Mental Health: So...This is a bit of a sensitive info. before you start saying that I'm making this up, Let me tell you that this is a coincidance. but...I'm actually a multi-personality. I have in total now. 30 people in my head- (we called our system TheAnarchySystem btw)
Me and Skye - half our system is dating is with each other so we're fine- (except for Nate he a strange boi)
Update - We're working on a lot of things so wait pleaseee
end of update
have a great night/day