
Heyya guys!!
          	Your Boi is Back.
          	where have I been? - I have been finishing my problems lately and now I'm Back and I hope I could continue to be active :D
          	What Happend - So after I posted about the people that tried to doxxed me because I'm Not doing what they said. they tried to attack me even more and even tried to figure out where I live, so after a lot of back and forth between this people I managed to win somehow (Most of them got banned and the others just give up.)
          	My Mental Health: So...This is a bit of a sensitive info. before you start saying that I'm making this up, Let me tell you that this is a coincidance. but...I'm actually a multi-personality. I have in total now. 30 people in my head- (we called our system TheAnarchySystem btw)
          	Me and Skye - half our system is dating is with each other so we're fine- (except for Nate he a strange boi)
          	Update - We're working on a lot of things so wait pleaseee
          	end of update
          	have a great night/day


Heyya guys!!
          Your Boi is Back.
          where have I been? - I have been finishing my problems lately and now I'm Back and I hope I could continue to be active :D
          What Happend - So after I posted about the people that tried to doxxed me because I'm Not doing what they said. they tried to attack me even more and even tried to figure out where I live, so after a lot of back and forth between this people I managed to win somehow (Most of them got banned and the others just give up.)
          My Mental Health: So...This is a bit of a sensitive info. before you start saying that I'm making this up, Let me tell you that this is a coincidance. but...I'm actually a multi-personality. I have in total now. 30 people in my head- (we called our system TheAnarchySystem btw)
          Me and Skye - half our system is dating is with each other so we're fine- (except for Nate he a strange boi)
          Update - We're working on a lot of things so wait pleaseee
          end of update
          have a great night/day


To everyone who tried taking me down.
          You win. Congratulations you win.
          I've been manipulating Skye and I'm a pedophile there you got me to say it. Happy now?!


this message may be offensive
Long story short:
            There's this group that hates my relationship with Skye and now they're constantly Harrases and saying shits about me and wanted me to end my relationship with my Cupcake.
            Now I've want to stop being a reliant little bitch and start facing it like a man.
            And another short message. April fools bitches I ain't giving up that easy, go ahead continue with your fucking moves.


Hey I have a youtube channel
          and also I  have an exam tomorrow :-:


Can you tell me the channels name? I cant click on the link on your bio or whatever you call it