
Hallo one and all. I have a fun challenge I would like to propose. Give me a time period, a fictional character, a made-up object and a description(or not), a cool name, a mythical creature, and etc. It can be anything you can think of what you want to give me. But you can only give me one thing. It is one per person. And my mission will be to take all of these things suggested and turn it into a story. It could wound up very coherent or completely odd-ball, but that's the point. It is a big experiment for the fun of it. It might turn into something cool or something wacky. But that's what I love about this idea, but I need all of you to make it happen. So send me some love and some ideas. Go all out! Hope to hear from as many as possible. I am really excited about this!


Hallo one and all. I have a fun challenge I would like to propose. Give me a time period, a fictional character, a made-up object and a description(or not), a cool name, a mythical creature, and etc. It can be anything you can think of what you want to give me. But you can only give me one thing. It is one per person. And my mission will be to take all of these things suggested and turn it into a story. It could wound up very coherent or completely odd-ball, but that's the point. It is a big experiment for the fun of it. It might turn into something cool or something wacky. But that's what I love about this idea, but I need all of you to make it happen. So send me some love and some ideas. Go all out! Hope to hear from as many as possible. I am really excited about this!


Hey there illustrious readers!  I have a fun little challenge I'd like to relay. But first, an update! I am currently working on chapter 2 of The Tales of Bax! The first chapter I kept more tame as I wanted to introduce the character a specific way. But chapter 2 is in for a turn on its head as this is book that can get pretty crazy and change on a dime as he goes on many adventures. But that is what I love about it. 
          As for fun, I am asking for help from you readers in shaping up my new book. I have all sorts of ideas for the coming chapters, but I was wondering if you guys could give what kind of genre you'd like the third chapter to be. That is my challenge. The most asked genre will be the structure of the third chapter and a new mystery for my detective to solve.  
          Looking forward to it!!


After a couple months, Aquamarine and the Winter Stone, is back! It went through a good amount of reconstruction and has been expanded significantly. I'm very pleased with all the work my friend and I put into it and has now shifted from a novella to full on novel! :) Any feedback and all feedback is appreciated.


I just posted the first chapter in my new story: The Tales of Bax! Absolutely love writing it. The structure of chapters is a little different as I want these to be adventure based and fun. Making me able to truly explore this vast world I am creating in it. In case you are wondering I am making each chapter a separate case, so they will be relatively long depending on the adventure ;) Looking forward to any feedback.


Hey there everybody! Recently I just started a fund me campaign for one of my best friends and could really use any help no matter how small of a donation. I will leave it up to your good graces. Here's the link if you decide to :


Hallo there one and all! Just posted a two parts of an odd story of mine that my brain ended up concocting. It's the prologue and the first chapter. Check it out and tell me what you think. It's a bit of an experiment too.
           And I am also hard at work on them keys at writing the sequel to Aquarmarine The Winter Stone. Prologue and Chapter 1 and 2 will be out  shortly :) Take care fellow writers.