As you may have noticed, it's been a while since I last posted an update. I've been trying to figure out how best to manage my presence here on Wattpad. As much as I would like to just share everything I write, I am a full-time writer, and I need to figure out ways to make my writing profitable.
I've decided to keep posting excerpts from The Sword Keeper until the novel is complete, then take it down a month or two after I finish it. I've already taken down some of the Star Wanderers books, except for Outworlder, which is already free on most platforms as it is the first book in the series. I may also post Brothers in Exile, which is another first-in-series book.
It wasn't really an issue for me until I got a couple of messages from foreign entities looking to publish my books for free on their own platforms. While I'm not too worried about piracy, which is going to happen whether you want it to or not, I am concerned about non-native English publishing platforms taking my decision to post my books on Wattpad as tacit permission to publish it elsewhere, for free, when I never gave them that permission.
TL;DR: I will finish posting The Sword Keeper, but it will only be available for a limited time, and from now on if I do post a book on Wattpad it will only be available for a limited time, unless it is one of my permanently free books.
If you have any suggestions, please let me know!