
Hello everyone, after some from time away due to college and work obligations, S1E3 of Selected will be uploaded in a few days. Apologies for the extreme delay on my part, but I’m looking forward to continuing this story. Stay tuned for some more content!


Can’t wait!!


Hello everyone! I’d just like to inform you all that episode 9 will finally be posted some time tomorrow. I’m concluding the final scenes of this pinnacle moment in the show, so just continue to hang in there! This is by far the longest chapter to date, and it’s only growing, but this huge project is almost to
          it’s end. Thank you all so much for the patience, and I’m sorry again about the delay. Tune in next week for the heartfelt series finale after episode 9 is published. I’m incredibly grateful for all this story has done for me, and I’m happy that you all watched these characters grow from the very beginning up until now. I’ll talk to you guys again once the series finale is finally up in the near future. 


Hey everyone, I will be away for a few weeks to establish a solid foundation for the LAST season of The Aftermath. It’s surreal that we’re already at this point but buckle up. It’s going to be a wild ride. 


Hello everyone! I’d just like to thank all of you for the constant love and support for this series. It really means a lot. However, I’d just like to inform you all that I will be taking a short hiatus in order to plan Season 6 as well as start my second semester of college. Posting will also be less frequent when I return. Thank you for everything!
          Besides, we all need a break after S5 ;)


Hey everyone! I would just like to inform you that S5 is in the works, and we’re in the thick of it this season. There will be a lot going on, so there’s your warning right there. This season will be very emotional and taxing on a character’s mental health. I’m laying out the season as we speak, and he first episode should be out sometime next week. Thank you for following along!


Thank you all so much for your support on this season. Writing this season out was one of the best experiences I’ve had with this series. Season 4 will act as a slice of life type of feel to it. It’ll definitely be different. Unfortunately, The Aftermath will be on a short break as I plan out the next season. I will also be entering my freshman year of college, so I may be preoccupied. Thanks for everything! 


Hey guys, I’m just letting you know that these last two episodes may take some time to post. There’s a lot of information that I have to include, and It’s going to take much longer than originally anticipated. Thanks so much for reading! Prepare yourselves for these last two suspenseful episodes of season 2!


Hello everyone! I just want everyone to know that I am so happy that I continued this series. My writing and just plot in general has increased so much in Season 2. I will try my absolute best to go back to season 1 and at least change up the format of the episodes, but that will take some time. Thank you for reading, and stay safe out there!