
I've started a new blog catering to book reviews. Its a good way for me to read and write to keep in touch with all of you! My first article is on the Witcher Series!


Came across a series of lectures by Sanderson, a well known author with titles such as Mistborn and the later entries of the Wheel of Time Series, covering several topics I have found useful. Past few days have taught me a great deal about the field and myself as a writer. 



Ladies and Gentlemen, Crowtalon has reached chapter ten! Here is a little peak about what to expect from Mariah's band of companions. 
          "I was under the impression that all barbarians were over six feet tall with immensely thick skulls."
          	Mariah scowled furiously at the elf despite having to physically look up to his slender face. "I thought all elves only ate fruit and were so thin that they blew away in the wind."
          	Uriah gave a pleased smirk and gave a barking laugh. His twinkling eye giving a hint of pleasure. "Wonderfully played, I look forward to traveling with you already." He gave a brief applause in recognition. 
          	"Finally found someone to match the elf's wit," added Janaires. 
          	"Yes," implied Markoul sarcastically. "And now we are also able to begin our trek to the Woodedland."


Upon recent reflections, over these past several years practicing the writing craft I can honestly say that I am proud of what I've written. While not every line was great or ever scene nerve wracking I am still happy with the themes I've tried to work into the pages with characters I've put a piece of myself into. Thank you to all those who follow my page, leave comments and read my work.