
I Would Just Like To Say That, Recently, I Found An Amazing Book, Called "Modern Reaper". Definitely check it out and tell the author what you think


Recently I came across a cool idea that I think all my followers should participate in! So my idea (that I found on Wattpad) Is to hold a writing game. So, I'll write the first chapter to a book (pm me ideas or genre) and if you want to participate, I'll assign you a chapter to write. And this chapter is all yours. Make it to your liking and writing style, just try to keep it in the idea of the book! We can either make it so we each publish our own chapter, or you can email me your chapter to publish on this account, but with your name as the author of the chapter. I need people to participate, so if you're interested in the game, pm that you are, and your ideas! Thx!


I will be holding another contest starting when the first chapter of my newest book comes out (soon, I promise)! The contest will require you to create a description for the book! The Winner will receive a mention in the book, and some other prizes! More info will be released after the chapter is published! Good Luck!


School's done and its time for me to get back to work! I'm working on a new book now and am hoping to publish a chapter today around 4pm et! I'm branching off into new genres that I'm not used to so I'll need some feedback when the chapter comes out! Thanks for waiting patiently, and I will be updating everything shortly!


I just entered the Wattys!!!! U would like everyone to please vote and share this "Secrets of The Shadows", "Forgotten Shadows", and  "Fatal Choice" (On ComboWriters) so that we have a chance on winning a Watty! Thanks to everyone that has voted already! You're all the best! Tell your friends and share these books!