Hello all of you!
Been a long time since I have been back to announce any new works. Kinda dropped this like a hot brick after a challenging few years. I'm back and the second book is gently nudging my brain on an almost daily basis now so I have been returning to my trove of memoirs and am going to share some more with you.
These new memoirs are more outrageous than the last with the best and worst of humanity riding along with me in a metal tube painting the skies of Europe once more in the vibrant glow of Britains beloved orange airline.
Bear with me, the progress may be slow at first but I do have a couple of chapters nailed already that will be due for release shortly. In the meantime, please go and refresh yourself of the last book, recommend to your friends, family, your favourite crew member when you next board a flight...anybody really!
Talk soon! ✌️❤️✌️