Hello! This is Victoria/@CroodsGirl with the Featured opportunity! While I enjoyed reading your story, The Sage of Mafioso, I have chosen not to Feature it right now. You have a good main character and hook, but most of the story is telling over showing, so I couldn't take it as seriously as I wanted. There is also no description of the setting, so I can't find myself in this world you're creating. There are also minor grammar issues, but that's beside the point. I would have liked to see Angelo selling his house to save his mother--it's a heartbreaking thing--and see his emotional response to it, but I just couldn't take it seriously. The pace in the first chapter is a little fast, too, but again, that mostly has to do with telling over showing. Regardless, I appreciate your honest approach to the mafia; it just needs to be executed a little better. Once you revise and edit, I see this becoming a great story, and I wish you luck. Thank you again for letting me review your book, and good job on the main character!