
WOW! I only just uploaded LBDR recently and it has more views than its ever had, I love you guys and I hope it gets even more reads! If you like it enough, could you maybe share it online so I can get more readers? But also because I wasn't online for the holidays, I want to wish you a late Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years. I guess it does make sense that people would rather read a finished story on here though. (This is just a repost for my followers.)


WOW! I only just uploaded LBDR recently and it has more views than its ever had, I love you guys and I hope it gets even more reads! If you like it enough, could you maybe share it online so I can get more readers? But also because I wasn't online for the holidays, I want to wish you a late Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years. I guess it does make sense that people would rather read a finished story on here though. (This is just a repost for my followers.)


WOW! I only just uploaded LBDR recently and it has more views than its ever had, I love you guys and I hope it gets even more reads! If you like it enough, could you maybe share it online so I can get more readers? But also because I wasn't online for the holidays, I want to wish you a late Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years. I guess it does make sense that people would rather read a finished story on here though.


I can't compete with a lot of these other writers on here, especially when I be procrastinating with my uploads...but the issue is that there are so many pages that need uploaded and I do it in pages rather than all at it just takes absolutely forever...but maybe if the full book were uploaded more people would check it out. So I suppose I'll try and get it fully uploaded soon...I have no idea what the last page I uploaded was but it was somewhere between 50 and 60. So I'll take a break from writing the second book and get it uploaded today. And this time I mean it and it shall be done, you have my word. I'll start now.


I just wanna followers? Since when? I love you guys, I'm going to spend the next few hours uploading the rest of LBDR to Wattpad for you guys so probably around 5am or 6am EDT/EST it should be fully uploaded and finally complete. I hope y'all are looking forward to that.


I'm gonna stop doing this to myself....I believe that my focus shouldn't be shitty 2D RPG Maker games and I shouldn't keep starting stories I'll only forget about....I need to focus solely on writing LBDR and seeing it through til the end. It was the first story I ever did and I was so very proud of it, I want to feel such joy again...I’m gonna dedicate my time and efforts towards finishing the series, starting today I’ll be focusing heavily on LBDR Season 2 and also uploading Season 1 to Wattpad like I keep saying I’ll do. All seasons will be published through and available for purchase as physical copies, hopefully all Hardcover…but they will also be uploaded to Wattpad where they can be read for free. But this is my decree, my vow…I shall work on what brings me the absolute most joy in life and that’s my book series. And I may not have very many readers right now…but my friend’s niece and nephew have read it not just once but about 4 times now…this has touched my heart and I wish to work even harder on the series. I’m not very great at advertisement…as I can’t afford most methods…but I'm going to try to get it out there and get more recognition for it. As for LBDR Season 1 on Wattpad, I’m going to try and get it all uploaded today. I was able to go through the entire document and remove the page numbers relatively quickly and it may have only taken an hour or two at the most…so I feel like I can easily copy and paste all the pages. I'm making two versions of this post, one specifically for my followers and one just for the general public. Regardless, if you give me a few hours the entire first book will be fully uploaded.


I'm so sorry guys, I've made changes to LBDR recently and my friend is supposed to be Re-Editing it...but thats only half of the reason its not fully uploaded yet....It just gets so overwhelming trying to post it all in one go and I'm a very lazy person...but I promise I'll get it fully updated this month!!! So sometime 9/2024 You should see the full thing up and viewable!!!


I'm going to start a new project, but as I'm not a very good artist and can't do poses among other may not come out looking all that great. Even so...I'm going to try and draw a comic series for LBD myself by hand. Even if the art is total trash the hope is that someone else will redraw it someday....but this is not going to be easy for me so bear with me. I say comic, but it'll be more akin to a manga than that...but I can't really call it either. I'm not entirely sure if I wanna colorize it or not either but probably not. I'm too poor to be able to afford an artist so this is the best I can do for now. I'm not worried about the quality of the art right now, I just want a visual representation of my story and the world within it. And if I get better at art from doing this, than maybe I can just go back over the art and redo it.