
Did you get the girl?


@PyroManiac8765 I still have a shot. I'm making her mine


@PyroManiac8765 Jeez. Imagine getting cuckblocked by your bestie. Must suck.


@PyroManiac8765 nevermind bro. She likes my best friend


Title:deku no more
          Izuku has been disowned by his own parents for been quirkness 
          Former name:izuku midoriya 
          Real name:izuku Hakuto 
          Draconic ninja hero:Dragomaru
          It's allow him to turn into a dragons
          Power and abilities:
          Superpowered physiology
          Transcendent physiology 
          Transcendent dragon physiology
          Dragon Lord physiology
          Draconic machine physiology
          Elemental dragon physiology
          Superpowered dragon physiology
          Superior Mystic dragon physiology 
          Elemental dragon physiology
          Dimensional dragon physiology
          Cosmic dragon physiology
          Bionic dragon physiology 
          Dragon morphing
          dragon combat
          Dragon mode
          Dragon soul
          Dragon armor
          Dragon arm
          Dragon aura
          Dragon technology
          Dragon strike
          Dragon Empowerment
          Dragon force manipulation (mastered)
          Dragon Embodiment
          dragon empowerment
          Draconic constructs
          Draconic weaponry
          Draconic attack
          Draconic element manipulation (mastered)
          Draconic infusion
          Draconic energy manipulation (mastered)
          Draconic energy generation 
          Ninjutsu (mastered)
          ninja magic
          Supernatural stealth
          Stealth combat
          Wall running
          Cross-wall jumping
          Water walking
          Shuriken proficiency
          Smoke bomb proficiency
          Mystical martial arts
          Gesture casting
          Astrokinetic combat
          Absolute intelligence
          Absolute body
          Absolute combat
          Absolute evasion
          meta luck
          Golden luck
          Meta combat
          Super eating
          Child prodigy
          Talent embodiment
          Supernatural cooking
          culinary intuition 
          Absolute weapon proficiency
          Hybrid weapon proficiency
          Vehicle creation
          Vehicular combat
          Telekinesis constructs
          Elemental sealing 
          Elemental constructs
          Elemental weaponry
          Elemental artillery
          Elemental breath
          Elemental energy combat
          Omni-Elemental manipulation (mastered) 
          Massive harem:
          My hero academia girls (Females and Genderbenders)
          Nice female bakugou
          Nice female endeavor
          New multiple chapters (without discontinued hiatus on hold or cancelled)
          New updates (without slow updates or long updates)
          New lemon scenes (mature/lemons)
          Here your new story partner


@Dragondoor Thanks but I have something similar going on