
          	A mis nuevos seguidores de habla hispana,
          	Honestamente no esperaba ya tener seguidores. Espcialmente cuando lo único que hice fue pegar una imagen en Facebook sobre esta cuenta.
          	Me alegro mucho verlo. Me deja saber que, efectivamente, hay interés en lo que hago. Fue muy agradable y es por esto qeu les dedico este pequeño mensaje. Muchas gracias.
          	La próxima semana pueden esperar empezar a ver mis historias aparecer en esta plataforma. Las estoy guardando como borradores antes de soltarlas para que las cosas sean más fáciles.
          	Palabras & Hierbas y Life Sucks son los dos libros que se van a tardar más, debido a su tamaño. Pero mis relatos eróticos son más cortos y esos aparecerán mucho más rápido. Lo más seguro es que también suba lo que llevo de Dicotomía aquí.
          	De nuevo, gracias. Nos vemos la siguiente semana.


          A mis nuevos seguidores de habla hispana,
          Honestamente no esperaba ya tener seguidores. Espcialmente cuando lo único que hice fue pegar una imagen en Facebook sobre esta cuenta.
          Me alegro mucho verlo. Me deja saber que, efectivamente, hay interés en lo que hago. Fue muy agradable y es por esto qeu les dedico este pequeño mensaje. Muchas gracias.
          La próxima semana pueden esperar empezar a ver mis historias aparecer en esta plataforma. Las estoy guardando como borradores antes de soltarlas para que las cosas sean más fáciles.
          Palabras & Hierbas y Life Sucks son los dos libros que se van a tardar más, debido a su tamaño. Pero mis relatos eróticos son más cortos y esos aparecerán mucho más rápido. Lo más seguro es que también suba lo que llevo de Dicotomía aquí.
          De nuevo, gracias. Nos vemos la siguiente semana.


To my english speaking followers,
          Hey, there. Just passing by to update you on somethings.
          In an effort to better manage my social media, I'll be transfering all of my writings in order to  make this my wattpad for my spanish speaking followers.
          I'm sorry if this causes you any inconveniences. I'll send out another message like this soon, where I'll provide a link for you continue following me in another account I'll create to migrate all my work in english.
          So yeah, if you start seeing spanish books appearing here, what you just read above is the reason.


@SassyRedWritingHood ,
          Oh! I also forgot to mention I'm waiting for the results of the Wattys. I entered Words & Herbs and other short stories to see what would happen. If nothing comes out of it, I might move on to another platform altogether.
          Which reminds me. If you ever want me to send you the W&H in its entirety, just tell me. I can send you a PDF, a .mobi, or an .epub file with the hole thing.


@SassyRedWritingHood ,
          "More like I've been dealing with a crisis," he chuckled.
          Nothing serious, mind you. Just some adjustments I've had to make. Following some other writers' careers, it seems that it would benefit me to get traditionally published. Which is something I would have really loved to avoid. The realization, unfortunately, hit me kinda hard and I've just been trying to make peace with that.
          That, and a couple of friends/co-workers asked me to write some comics scripts for them. They'll be publishing those on, hoping to get featured, and thus paid, by the site if the staff deem the comics good enough.
          That, and I'm planning a book that I will be sending to agents in english speaking countries to find a publisher.
          Thanks for the concern, and for getting in touch! I wanted to leave a comment on the introduction yo published yesterday but everything I could come up with was way too blunt and I was afraid you might see it as a complaint. So here; I'll lay it out as accurately as possible:
          I liked the poem. Im not all that into poetry, but I can honestly tell you that I liked and enjoyed that one. It sets a tone, and sparks anticipation on the reader. I'd just like to know if future installments are going to be poems as well. Just out of curiosity. Not because I'm complaining.
          There. It's hard to give opinions, huh? Especially through text.
          Either way, I'll still be reading that story. And if you have any comments or feedback on my planned course of action, I'd be happy to keep in touch with you.
          Again, thank you.


          If you've been reading my work, you know honesty is a big thing with me. So, I'm gonna be honest with you.
          I apologize for not updating Words & Herbs lately. It's not that I haven't been writing it. It's just that I've been forgetting to do so. The reason for this is that I haven't been seeing much of a response to my work in English. I've been busy catering to my Spanish speaking fans (because some of them have become my first Patrons), they're already done with W&H and are reading another story already, and I have other stories I'm working on.
          Because of all that, I've been forgetting to update Words & Herbs in English. It's only because @SassyRedWritingHood commented on it recently that I was like "Oh, yeah. I haven't been updating that."
          So, here we are. Thank you, SassyRed. Starting Monday, I'll start updating this story again, and I'll be spending my hard earned money on promoting my profile via Facebook and other networking sites.
          See ya Monday, guys.


          Just wanted to let you know a few things:
          As you have seen, I've been working on my Life Sucks December special. I'll be focusing my efforts on that for the whole month.
          Words & Herbs Series 4 will start being uploaded on Januray, once I'm done with the December Special. The first Monday of January.
          Finally, as I've been telling you after each chapter, you can read my Short Story Arch. It ties in with the December Special, and it acts as a prelude.
          Happy December, everyone.


To all my recent followers:
          I already sent you a Personal Message, thanking you for following. Still, I wanna do it again, and tell you a bit about my stories.
          My main series is Words & Herbs. I update it daily, and each number or installment is really short. I don't think I go over the 250 word mark. I got the idea from comics strips. It's kind of a proven experiment. Like I told you, I published this saga in another account in Spanish, and I've gotten nothing but positive reviews. But I wrote them in English originally, and I thought I'd give it a go here.
          Yes, that does mean that the whole series is already written. And yes, that means I'll be updating every day from Monday to Friday without fail. And in case you get really hooked, the numbers in Series 5-8 get longer, 8 being the longest series. So you have that to look forward to.
          Other than that, you'll find some short stories among my  works, and a Zelda fanfic, because I really like that video game saga.
          Have fun. Thank you for your time and your reads.