Why do so many people put A name, or their username before their comments?
I don't get the point of it all. It just comes off as weird and cringey. I see so many people doing it on so many stories. One guy had his "Conversations posts" filled with him doing it with so many different people. Even in other languages.
@AmericanFlatcap No, they themselves type it.
They'd have the @ there, sometimes press enter to
space it out. And then type a name with :
Like how you write a character talking in a story.
Raiden: Hey man, how's your day going?
Someone actually uses Raiden as a name too. Trying to imply that they themselves are Raiden from the videogame (Not Genshin Impact)
Even adding, *Sweat drop with a nervous face* It's so fucking cringe.
I don't see anything wrong with it.
It is a little hard to read because it's kind of all bunched up together, but it's a good story to me regardless.
Besides, it's an Undertale book that says Chara x Reader, who doesn't like those?