Yokai, supernatural monsters whose existence is hidden behind the world, are recognized by people called "Yokai Controllers". Kenshubo Takeru, a 14 years old boy, becomes a Yokai Controller to keep the peace for humanity that doesn't even know the danger and existence of Yokai.

After accidentally freeing a sealed Yokai, the world that Kenshubo has known all along begins to Gradually change. The mystery of Yokai leads Ken to investigate a mysterious monk known as "The first Yokai controller" and "The first sealer".

And this story begins...

New chapters three times a week (or more).

(All of my novels are updated alternately with my other novels. If you find that one of my novel titles hasn't been updated, please check my other novel titles that are currently being updated. Thank you!)

Hello, I would like to introduce my first novel "Yōkai". I also have several other novels with various themes (Currently in development), all in a universe that I created, Stay tuned! (Please visit my Patreon page for more information)

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  • JoinedAugust 19, 2022

Story by John_Pakuross
Yōkai by John_Pakuross
Yokai, supernatural beings whose existence is hidden behind the world, are recognized by people called "...