Here’s a few interesting bts (behind the scenes) facts about Our Promise, Our Future. 1. The one-shot, Our Promise, was actually initially going to be just a dream that Ash had one night 2. Our Promise, Our Future was originally going to be 50 chapters long. All the chapters had their planned titles. I ultimately scrapped everything and started over from scratch. 3. During the early chapters of Our Promise, Our Future I was asking the earliest readers for suggestions cause I hadn’t planned everything out yet, which is why Infernape appeared a lot more in Alola than Ash’s other Pokémon. 4. Chapter 4 was originally going to be From Celebration to Chaos, but I believed it would’ve been too long of a chapter so I pushed it to being the 5th chapter instead. 5. Building off the previous fact, it was thanks to that decision that I was able to write the chapter titles Ash’s Home, Serena’s Home and Ash’s and Serena’s Home. 6. I wrote Chapter 23 in one sitting, and it took me over six hours to write it 7. The shortest chapter in the story is Chapter 4, which is 1,378 words long. The longest chapter in the story is Chapter 80, which is 10,537 words long. 8. Our Promise, Our Future is 409,218 words long. 9. To The Moon and Back was the first Spin-Off story I ever officially wrote, so thank you Our Promise, Our Future for making that official. 10. I’m still not done with this universe!

@JohtoAmour64 Yo that's cool! I actually started reading the story like the starting of it lol.