
You're writing is so good it motivates me to want to learn how to write better but it also makes me want to just give up on all my stories bc why write my own shitty fanfiction when I can read someone else's work that's a million times better than mine? :D lol seriously though your smut and fluff is equally amazing but the smut has me on my knees like "ohmahgah I NEED MOAR" XD I absolutely love your Ereri short stories and smutty one shots you make my day <3


this message may be offensive
Dude, not to freak you out er anything
          but I just read your bio. And holy shit I think were like twins or some crap lololol
          The only thing that would vary is that fact that you like Iced coffee, and I hate anything with coffer xD
          Well... That was me stocking... Sorry for the disturbance lolol


@galiesloveforYaoi Really? 0.0
            Then we need to chat! XD 