
@MakaylaGotSwag1 Makaylaaa <3


What would YOU rate me?
          (1) Crazy (2) I'd marry you. (3) I'd date you. (4) Sarcastic. (5) I miss you. (6) I'd kiss you. (7) Beautiful. (8) Smart. (9) Imaginative. (10) Random. (11) Jerk. (12) Funny. (13) awesome. (14) amazing. (15) tough. (16) cute. (17) I'd hit you with a bus. (18) I love you. (19) Weirdo. (20) Friends forever. (21) Marry me? (22) Your mine! (23) I never want to lose you. (24) Be my best friend? (25) I want to have your children O_O (26) Cute (27) Worse than frankenstien (28) Adorable (29) Hot (30) Sexy mofo (31) The craziest person I know!