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I know I'm not the only one that's terrified for next weeks episode. Everyone is. Thing is, what if this time Cas kills Dean dead. No coming back from it. What would happen to the series? Would it just end? Cause we know Sam would do one of two things. He would either not look and live the life he's always wanted, or he would spend the rest of his life searching for a way to find his older brother. So would the series die with Dean, or follow Sam's adventures? Or even Castiel's adventure. Cause we know Cas would be heartbroken that he had to kill his favorite human. The one human who taught him everything from how to love to how to be a human. Dean and Cas are the couple that never was. And if Cas kills him.. I want to know what would happen to his sanity. I feel like Cas would go to the ends of the Earth to try and help Sam get his brother back after realizing their is no way he would go insane. Worse then Leviathan!Cas. He would just stop being him. His beautiful smile would stop glowing more and more. He would just stop existing as we know him until he snaps. Only then doing god knows what to even breathe. Realizing he killed the one thing he truly loved on this Earth that is now dark and ugly to him. Cas would just go crazy. And I'm not sure if I want to see it, but hear what happens to him, that's a definite.