
So glad to be getting such great reception on Witch!! Thank you to all of you who have taken the time to read my short story (: -- if any of you have specific pairings or fic ideas you would like to pitch to me, please do so in this thread! I am open to writing one-shots or long fics for ideas that inspire me!! Look out for some of my other fics and I hope to see y'all in my writing soon <3


So glad to be getting such great reception on Witch!! Thank you to all of you who have taken the time to read my short story (: -- if any of you have specific pairings or fic ideas you would like to pitch to me, please do so in this thread! I am open to writing one-shots or long fics for ideas that inspire me!! Look out for some of my other fics and I hope to see y'all in my writing soon <3