PLEASE READ! As many of you may know I have a book called Taming the Beast based on my favorite Disney princess movie Beauty and the Beast. (It was my favorite before this years movie as well). But I love the movie so much that I want to use concepts from the storyline in other stories I write. They aren't going to be my remake of the story but a different story that uses similar ideas. Thoughts?

I am trying to figure out with my story about my version of beauty and the beast which I haven’t figured out the characters in the story besides Belle, the beast and their kids . It’s just that I want Belle to have kids in my story. So I hope that you can take a look at my story and help me with the best that you can with it. Thanks.

@Jojosolo211 yes please I loved your book it was short but well written. If you ever see this please consider continuing this as a series maybe.