
Hello everyone, so as you may know, JJBA: AW Part 1 Chapter 24 is out, today. And this marks the end of this part. It was a fun ride, wasn't it? Well, in any means I hope you enjoyed reading this if you did and yeah, that's, pretty much it. Again, thanks for sticking here for the ones who liked reading this not really good JJBA Fan-Story hehe.


Hello everyone, so as you may know, JJBA: AW Part 1 Chapter 24 is out, today. And this marks the end of this part. It was a fun ride, wasn't it? Well, in any means I hope you enjoyed reading this if you did and yeah, that's, pretty much it. Again, thanks for sticking here for the ones who liked reading this not really good JJBA Fan-Story hehe.


I won't be publishing any chapters for a while, because of my mouse that is currently malfunctioning, which makes every single clicks turning into double clicks. Basically, it's almost impossible to navigate through the chapters when I create them, modify some spelling issues etc. So until I find a way (somehow) or buy a new mouse, there won't be any chapters, or maybe some but not on normal schedule, sorry.


@Hemerald-san Oops, typo, "at least" sorry.


@Hemerald-san Nevermind, It's fixed now, well, not entirely, but atleast I can continue writing with ease. :D